30 Maximum Conversion Rate Tips

The use of sales letters had been around for as long as direct response marketing have been practiced in the conventional ‘brick and mortar’ world.
And ever since the Berlin wall came down and the World Wide Web came up, it did not take long for people from business backgrounds to tap into the growing world of E-Commerce. And it certainly didn’t take long for direct response marketers to carry their offline practice into the online world.
Thus, you see the practice of one-page-long sales letters being used widely today by businesses of various sizes to sell and push their products and/or services into the Internet marketplace.
This is the case, because sales letters in this fashion have been proven to be all time-tested. As you probably know by now, sales letters are really just one LONGpage with one person in mind: to help sell the product to the prospect.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
30 Maximum Conversion Rate Tips – 22 pages (PDF)
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