Leverage on Email Marketing

A popular way for companies to communicate directly with consumers today is to use email. Email serves a variety of functions including sales promotions and being a means of education about products and services. Messages also can include branding with logos and / or tag lines, and they can offer direct response tools like reply links, emails, telephone, and fax numbers.
Basic email message writing comes across much better with skill that can be learned. Main focus should be placed on the tone of speech and grammatical language in the body of the message.
Points Which should be Remembered for Writing the email:-
- The subject line should be exciting, making the reader want to open the mail and read the further text.
- Keep the subject line brief.
- Make sure to include details about the sender to comply with spamming laws. Check spamcop or other ‘anti-spam’ sites in your favorite search engine for more info.
- Develop the body of the email; i.e. the message, with a good introduction followed by well-described paragraphs. Avoid hype and misleading readers.
- Use your email spelling and grammar check tools. And don’t ‘shout’ or use all capital letters.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Leverage on Email Marketing – 16 pages (PDF)
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