The Internet Marketing Book

This is a must have Ebook if you are new to Internet Marketing. It covers most of the aspects in Internet Marketing.
Internet marketing refers to methods of promoting products and services with the use of internet to generate sales. It can be categorized as email marketing, social media marketing, and web marketing.
Web marketing involves e-commerce websites, promotional websites, affiliate marketing websites, internet advertising on search engines, and organic search engines with the use of search engine optimization or SEO. Social media marketing uses marketing and advertising strategies including viral marketing with the use of social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Email marketing utilizes promotional and advertising methods through email messages to existing and potential customers.
Thousands of individuals are considering this type of marketing because of its lesser costs of distribution of information and huge scope of audience. It also maximizes the use of digital customer data management and electronic customer relationship management or ECRM.
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The Internet Marketing Book – 41 pages, 508 KB (PDF)
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