Blogging for Money

by John Eye
Many people dream of being able to make a decent living doing something they really like and enjoy. For them, being able to make money just writing about a topic they love a few times a week would be a dream come true.
But you might be wondering how your blog about gardening or recipes could actually turn a profit.
The simplest way is by putting ads on your site for affiliate products, products at Amazon.com, and so on. For example, say you put an affiliate link to a new gardening book on your gardening blog. If one of your site’s visitors click on that link and end up buying the book, you would get a commission. And, depending on the type of affiliate program you belong to, you can earn as much as 75% of the books sales price.
So, what is blogging? It’s a way to make money while having fun writing about the things you love.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Blogging for Money – 33 pages (PDF)
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