5 Steps to Successful E-mail Marketing

If you’re reading this e-book, you’re probably looking for new ways to attract new customers’andmaybe build closer relationships with your existing customers too. E-mail marketing can bring youone step closer to achieving those goals. E-mail marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to you. In fact, in a recentstudy, 54% of small businesses surveyed rated e-mail as the top online promotion mechanism todrive customers to their Web sites and storefronts. (Source: DMA Interactive)
More and more small businesses are using e-mail marketing today because it’s an easy, fast,and cost-effective tool for engaging customers and driving sales’and it just plain works. 5 Steps to Successful E-mail Marketing is designed to help small business owners better understand e-mail-marketing basics. It walks you through a series of steps that build your ‘knowledge base’ so that, when you’re done, you’ll be equipped to take advantage of e-mailmarketing and its power to grow your business.