Twitter Ebook

This book will reveal all you need to know to use Twitter to boost your profile and your business. Every message – or ‘tweet’ – that you send out has the potential to reach even more people. You’ll gain followers and an audience that is all your own. And you’ll be in good company when you join and become a ‘tweeter’. Even Hillary Clinton tweets on a regular basis (or more probably gets an aide to tweet on her behalf).
The more you discover about Twitter, the more you will realize that it has been called micro-blogging for a reason. It combines all the best parts of blogging with the best bits of getting in touch with people. And when it is used properly it can become one of the best marketing tools in your online armory. So what are we hanging around in the introduction for? It’s time we got down to business in Section One and find out why you absollutely must work on Twitter.