Better Software & Stronger Teams: Project Management for GitHub

Deliver a better product, in less time, with fewer headaches. Learn how to build better software and a more collaborative team. Every chapter of this new book is packed with expert advice and real-world workflow examples your team can start using today.
This book is for software developers, managers and for anyone involved in a software project. Its purpose is to arm you with strategies that could work for your team. It uses GitHub and ZenHub as its frame of reference, but the principles can be applied to whatever you’re using.
This book also covers the lifecycle of a software project from end to end. We’ll start by explaining why GitHub (and version control systems in general) are actually the perfect place to manage software projects. You’ll learn the basics of setting up your GitHub project for success, including a sane label system and a task board that helps you spot bottlenecks early.
You’ll learn how to manage and execute a product backlog that results in something your users actually want to buy, and understand how to use epics, Milestones, and GitHub data to bring speed and focus to your project.
We’ll give you strategies to estimate software tasks more accurately, and show you how to use those estimations to deeply understand the way your team works together – ultimately reducing guesswork and miscommunication.
Finally, we’ll take you through exactly what to do before, during, and after a sprint to make sure you’re making continuous improvement a habit. Along the way, we’ll provide detailed examples from our own workflow to give you a better idea how it plays out in the real world.