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Category: Websites

104 Static Site Generators For Modern Web Development

Static site generators are taking over the web. They are modern tools that fundamentally define your development process. Their very nature is to simplify your workflow. This is why they are so popular with modern web development. Check out how they can help you in various scenarios and what are their main benefits here. Here’s a look at 104 Static Site Generators For Modern Web Development covering Blogs, CMS, Documentation, Frameworks, Photography, Single Page, Wikis, Helpful Tools and Services and Web Hosts. Continue reading if you want to use a static site generator to build your next website.

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103 Free Typography Ebooks, Tools and Resources

What is typography after all? How should text be structured? And how can the printed page be influenced by good design theories? Here we showcase 103 Free Ebooks, Tools and Resources on Typography to get your creative juices flowing, covering topics such as CSS, finding and using type, online tools, web fonts, combinations and many mor

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95 Top Resources and Tools to Choose Your Next Color Scheme

Designing a website can be quite a challenge for a number of different reasons, one of them being color choice, suited to the theme of your site. Picking the right color scheme can be very tricky, but there’s tons of inspiration to be found online. We’ve collected 95 color apps, libraries, palettes and articles that can be used as an inspiration or as a starting point for all your design needs.

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160 Open Source Clones of Popular Sites

This post is a collection of cloned sites to help people learn how the sites are built. You’ll find 160 open-source clones and alternatives of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, TikTok, Spotify, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. List contains source code, tutorials, demo links, tech stack, and GitHub.

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73 of the Greatest Collection of Free Web Design and Development Resources

We have collected 73 of the Greatest Collection of Free Web Design and Development Resources for you. Here are the best free tutorials and guides on layouts and style paths to take, frameworks, brushes, collaborative tools, backend stuffs, pre-launch tools and of course some informational readings, all in one place. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a professional developer, there is something in this list for you.

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503 Free Ebooks, Tutorials, Tools, Videos and Resources for Web Developers and Designers

In this post, you’ll find a repository that contains content which will be helpful in your journey as a Web Developer as well as a Web Designer. Besides free ebooks, tutorials, resources and tools, you’ll find a collection of useful YouTube channels for javascript developers and web designers. The list of videos come in various languages – feel free to choose one that suites your best!

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16 Top Static Content Management Systems and Hosting Providers

Updates to a static website are typically difficult, which is why some individuals avoid using these solutions. This is where a static website content management system (CMS) can help. They provide a simple approach for non-technical users to modify and publish material in a familiar user experience, similar to what they’re used to using WordPress. If you’re going to use a static site generator for your next project, make sure you choose a good static website CMS to go with it.

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Front-End Developer Handbook 2017

This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2017.

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